What do you mean no “Things I Learnt at the Weekend” post?

That’s correct dear reader(s), you will notice the “suspicious by it’s absense” Things I Learnt post. This is primarily down to the fact that I have had the worst possible weekend where gaming has been involved. First thing to note is that I was out on Saturday, this is purely of my own volition and had been worked out in advance. This wasn’t something that fell in my lap and put me out of kilter and delayed levelling, this absense was factored into my plan, so Saturday was a good day, spent away from the humdrum of the everyday world. Now, Sunday was a different matter, as was Saturday night. I was hoping to hit 54 on my Shaman (more on that later) this weekend. I’d gotten to 51 on Friday and was looking forward to hitting Outland in the first weekend of Christmas (December is pretty much Christmas so I renamed the month). Saturday night after returning from my outing would provide the perfect springboard to 52 and then an afternoon and evening of gaming on Sunday would leapfrog me to my target.

Wife: Enter stage left.

Now starts the derailing of an otherwise symphony of mathematical levelling precision. I paraphrase “Why don’t we invite everyone to dinner that you’re spending the day with?” Of course, wife karma means that I must accept this request (they are my friends after all and blowing them off for a game is decidely dodgy) so, everyone comes round, we have a good night, levelling plan is revised to hit 53 rather than 54, one level is not too bad. I can take that.

So, Sunday afternoon comes. “Are we OK to go to my parents for dinner?” For the love of all that is sacred……. not only do I spend the next hour drying up all the dishes that were used to entertain 4 friends along with my wife and I on Saturday night, now I have to forego my whole evening as well? Pack the laptop and some DVDs then (if I had a power supply at home I’d have taken my works laptop and a copy of WoW and used their wireless to play). I took my personal laptop and watched Transformers and the first half pf Pitch Black. I managed to get to 300xp off 52, I’ll finish that off tonight before going out. So, I got a grand total of 2 levels over 3 days of gaming. I had a plan and everything but then real life threw itself in front of my XP train and the ensuing wreck meant much delays on the line. I do however, have a mostly free week this week. I have warned my good lady that I am going to be WoWing this week. I know I have to sleep and am not anywhere near as Hardcore as I used to be, otherwise I’d really have some kind of nervous spaz over this.

This post may seem like some kind of nervous spaz, however it merely highlights the lack of time I’ve had for gaming and therefore I cannot really post a “Things I Learnt” as the only real thing I learnt was that my Shaman is awesome, an elemental and an enhancement shaman together in a group should be illegal and that nothing can screw up a weekends planned gaming quite like your better half.

Provided no more leaves fall on the track we’ll see how far we can go before the next catastrophic infrastructure failure.

<Insert amusing Monorail cat lolcat here to taste!>

See you tomorrow!

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